– Est. 2022 –
In 1968 a Christian Youth Camp was founded by my Grandfather Wes Aarum. After serving as President of Youth for Christ Canada, and working as a traveling speaker all across the country, he was led to start a Christian Youth Camp. He looked at many locations to start this camp, but one impacted him far more than the others. As he looked at properties, he eventually walked on the property of what now is known as Circle C Ranch. He stood on a piece of the property that could oversee the beautiful location in Western NY, and it was at this time he felt a peace like never before. The place where he stood was in a field on top of the hill, and this field is forty acres big, and it is accurately called “The Forty Acres”.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31

Our Story

Growing up at Circle C Ranch I had to learn many different skills to help out during the summer and yearly programs. I learned how to clean the facilities, take care of our horses, and many other things. One of the skills I learned was videography and photography. From the age of 14 I would have to film and edit many videos every week for camp. I guess this was a sort of boot camp for cranking out media content with an extremely fast turn around.
Over the past 4 years I have filmed many wedding videos, and done some different contracting work for companies. While my full time job is working at Circle C Ranch, I have decided to take this production business seriously so that I can work with people like you to create some amazing things.
Much like my Bumpa (Grandpa) experienced the peace that he could only explain as being from God, we can know that peace too. And it is my hope that you could experience this peace. No matter what the storm, or what the trial you are facing, you can know peace and joy and love if you know Jesus.
The Bible makes it clear that we are sinners, in Romans 3:23 it says as much. Which is an issue, because the standard to enter heaven is perfection. We aren’t perfect, so we don’t have a chance. That is where Jesus comes in, God loves us so much that He sent His only Son for us, just like John 3:16 says. So is that it? No. God cares about us, and doesn’t want us to live in harmful ways, so Jesus tells us to repent, in Luke 3:5 Jesus says that we have to change the way we think and act. But that isn’t what saves us from the fires of Hell, it is a gift. Ephesians 2:8-9 explain that this salvation that Jesus came, lived and died to bring to the world is a gift. There is nothing we can do to deserve it anymore, or earn it.
While I am creating this business to make money and create media content, I want to use every opportunity I can to give you a chance to experience the peace that my Bumpa did,
on the 40 Acres.

Glued to the front page of my Bumpa’s Bible from the 1950’s is this hymn.
Even in the midst of the hardest times in our lives,
this hymn describes beautifully the JOY that we can have
when we know Jesus.
“Times may change and things go wrong,
Troubles sting like wintry gales,
Midst it all our hearts can sing,
Jesus never fails!
Tossed about on life’s rough sea,
Trustingly we hoist our sails,
By His help we’ll make the port,
Jesus never fails!
Though comes sadness with its tears,
Though come pains and woes and wails,
Faith in Him will lift the clouds,
Jesus never fails!
Though they treated Him with shame,
Tortured Him with cruel nails,
This He suffered for our sakes,
Jesus never fails!
Should our day be much perplexed,
Burdened down with many ails,
In Him always there is hope,
Jesus never fails!”